Thursday 2 January 2014

A Year in Photos

On the cusp of the day I will shift my years
from 34 to 35
I am tired of myself
I say this with no ill will
or harshness
(for I will treasure this book and the tenacity it represents)
Its not the core of me I speak of
just the exploration of the outside of me
the moods of me
the 365 moments of me that I've piled up this year
It is time to set that all aside
and just be.
Dig instead
into life.
Wrap my arms about the world
(and maybe my legs too)
Fall madly in love with everything
in front of me
I know who I am again
amidst the layers of days
that became a year,
I found her
Me who always was.
Silly me for thinking she was ever
Thank you to all who were along for the ride, I couldn't have done it with out you!

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