Friday, 25 January 2013


I didn't have time to stop this morning
And capture the almost full moon as it set
The atmosphere squishing it into a wobbly orange misshapen thing
There was no way to grasp the shooting star
Or the buck and doe on some early morning date
They were in and out of my life so quick
I could have stopped on the way home
And fiddled until I could show you exactly the perfect line of blue
then pink
Then fat full moon as it rose again
But I was too anxious to see my boys.
And it really is impossible to take a photo whilst playing hide and seek in the dark....
So this, at the end of this day so long I am almost too tired to remember how content I am
Is all I have to show for it

Thursday, 24 January 2013


My computer was having trouble talking to itself. 
Think I got things running smooth again.
Finding my 365 project oh so challenging but oh so fun.
This one is still making me laugh.
You can follow along on flickr if you want the daily scoop.
Hope your new year is thus far sumptuous!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Seems to me 
the colder it gets
The more beautiful it becomes.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The First Few Days

Loving my new camera lens. 
Trying my best to participate in a 365 self portrait challenge with a group of beautiful ladies I have come to love.
Saying once again how blessed I am with the people in my life. Truly.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

A New Year - A New Word

Today is the start of my new year.
I am being pampered in all sorts of sumptuous ways.

I wanted to share with you a photo but alas my computer and I are not talking well,
I will have to save it for another day.

My word for the year....
luxuriously fine or large; lavish; splendid

Ooooh, how could one resist a year such as that?
Not I!

And so it begins.......